"We are committed to training and preparing godly leaders to meet the needs of the growing Church in Nigeria and in Africa."
The Christian Development Foundation (CDF) is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to supporting ministries
For the community
To support projects and programs by assisting with ministry start-up and facilitating synergies
Our team
Take your time to meet our Governing Board, Staff and Volunteers
can be
a part
of the project
All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances, have the right to quality education. raising global leaders

Transformational Leaders In Africa
Empowering men and women, enabling them to achieve willingly,

Community Medical Outreach
Developed an intervention plan to address resource gaps in the community, such as establishing community Medical outreach programs. A mission with west africa theological seminary (WATS)
Covid-19 Feed Nigeria
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. Responding swiftly to the pandemic, while ensuring that humanitarian and recovery assistance reaches those most in need.

Community Pastors and church workers training
The aim of this project is to demonstrate how churches can start and maintain a successful
community outreach, and also build a relationship strategy resulting in greater evangelistic effectiveness.
“Action without vision is only passing time,
vision without action is merely day dreaming,
but vision with action can change the world.”

The Imala Project
The project involves the the development of a world class Christian university, a planned community and a holistic community development program, using large scale agriculture as a means to transform Imala to a model city through the following the matic areas of development:
Microfinance: CDF in collaboration with GiveCare provides entrepreneurship training and microfinanace for small business owners, including artisans and petty traders in Imala.
Agriculture: Our agricultural development program incorporates a robust Local Farmers Development Program, which includes: A demonstration farm where farmers can learn and pratiice new techniques. CDF also provides financing in kind and support services to help farmers expand revenue and learn about agriculture business.
Contact Us
We will love to hear from you
Nigeria Address: P.M.B. 80157, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
US Address: P.O. Box 350, Eastland, Tx 76448
+234 703-225-8797